
  • Formation - Wikipedia
    • On May 19th, 2021, the House voted to form an independent bicameral commission to investigate the Jan 6th insurrection.
      • Vote passed 252-175 with 35 Republicans joining in favor.
    • Senate Republicans blocked the bicameral commission, leading to House Speaker Pelosi to appoint a select committee using only House members.
    • On June 30th, 2021, House Resolution 503 “Establishing the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on teh United States Capitol” passed the House 222-190. All Democrats and only two Republicans, Kinzinger and Cheney, voted in favor.
    • On July 1st, Pelosi appoints eight members, with Cheney being the sole Republican.
    • On July 19th, McCarthy suggests Jim Banks, Jim Jordan, Rodney Davis, Kelly Armstrong and Troy Nehls.
      • Banks, Jordan and Nehls voted to overturn the EC results in Arizona and Pennsylvania.
      • Banks and Jordan signed onto the Supreme Court case Texas v. Pennsylvania to invalidate the ballots of voters in four states.
    • On July 21st, Pelosi announced that she would reject Jordan and Banks, but would accept the other three recommendations.
      • McCarthy said it was all or nothing, costing Republicans almost all of their representation on the January 6th Select Committee.
    • On July 25th, Pelosi announced her appointment of Adam Kinzinger to the committee.
      • Notably, Kinzinger was one of only ten House Republicans to vote for TRump’s second impeachment.
    • Members
      • BENNIE G. THOMPSON (D) Mississippi, Chairman
      • LIZ CHENEY (R) Wyoming, Vice Chair
      • ZOE LOFGREN (D) California
      • ADAM B. SCHIFF (D) California
      • PETE AGUILAR (D) California
      • STEPHANIE N. MURPHY (D) Florida
      • JAMIE RASKIN (D) Maryland
      • ELAINE G. LURIA (D) Virginia
      • ADAM KINZINGER (R) Illinois
    • Majority of the witnesses involved in the J6 Select Committee Report were Republicans.
      • Two of President Trump’s former Attorneys General, his former White House Counsel, numerous members of his White House staff, and the highest-ranking members of his 2020 election campaign, including his campaign manager and his campaign general counsel.